Artificial Intelligence
Global Summit 2022

The Global AI Summit is a two-way conversation that engages every attendee, speaker, and partner in a rich dialogue about how AI can solve complex problems, empower businesses, shape our future, and ultimately, transform society. From local and regional “visions” to the united economic framework, The Global AI Summit gathers the most prominent policy makers, leading investors, thought leaders and innovators in the field today. In the spirit of co-creation, speakers and participants will be invited to contribute to a vision for AI that will live on beyond the Summit.

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Artificial Intelligence


How are the AI leaders of the world today deploying, scaling, and leveraging the technology? AI Now is about giving attendees practical tools through keynotes, workshops, panels, and technology demonstrations that will drive their roadmaps


What does the future of AI look like and how will it impact people, businesses and government organizations? AI Next looks ahead to the change makers & pioneers who are paving the way for AI to solve some of the world’s most meaningful challenges.


How do we ensure that the future we design is one that we want to live in and not a dystopian sci-fi? AI Never challenges the audience and speakers to engage in debates about the ethics & responsible use of AI across a range of domains and topics.

See The Past Global AI Summits

Take a look at the last three Global AI Summits